How to Get a Knowledge Graph on Google

Knowledge Panel is a section on the right side of the screen in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

It responds to user queries by showcasing the results of the Google Knowledge Graph. This graph is a nexus for various data points search engine collects. Its purpose is to connect users with the most relevant answers.

Apart from forwarding Google’s aspirations, a Knowledge Graph can be a powerful asset to brands.

Many people don’t know that you can influence what gets shown in this block. The trick is to become a worthy candidate in the eyes of Google and spoon-feed information to it. This strategy is called Google Graph Optimization.

The key to executing it lies in three types of panels: branded, personal or local ones. Using them, you make yourself more approachable and understandable. Everyone has an easier time finding and making sense of your data.

The benefits you can reap from this position of authority are immense. You’ll have a big billboard on the busiest avenue of the internet. It makes more users see your details and entices them to come your way.

So, here is a guide on how to get a Knowledge Graph on Google.

Knowledge Panel in a Nutshell

Knowledge Panel is a unique search feature.

We use it as an umbrella term for various info-boxes. They give a quick recap of businesses, personal, and other entities.

The panel itself holds curated rich data powered by Google Knowledge Graph. It shows up for corresponding user search queries. People can see it without having to click on any of the results.

The information shown varies wildly and takes the form of text, images, and links. It can relate to anything users are searching for, including countries, people, businesses, animals, etc.

The search engine colossus gets to decide what gets shown it all. It picks quality content from a multitude of sources, which is a process known as scraping. The innovative machine learning algorithm takes into account a whole matrix of factors.

Some points that carry the most weight are geographical distance, prominence, and the relevance of businesses.  And thanks to latent semantic indexing (LSI), Google can test the context behind queries and cherry-pick the best sources for drawing data.

It’s some pretty awesome stuff.

The Importance of Taking Control

However, you don’t want to just stand in awe while this all unravels.

You’re not powerless. Regardless of whether you have an e-commerce website or a personal blog, there are many things you can do.

To be more precise, you can exert some “pressure” to prompt the gatekeepers to display your information. Various Google Knowledge Graph best practices are the stepping stones to success.

They help you align your interests with the aspirations of the most dominant search engine there is. Yes, you can and should play on the same team.

The value you can unlock from this is of a game-changing nature. You enable people to find your business details easily and drive a whole lot of traffic your way.

After all, the Graph is a prime digital real estate. Both mobile and desktop versions of SERP feature it in a prominent, instantly-noticeable spot. Just like a landing page, it could be a source of huge traffic.

One important thing to notice, though, is that local businesses face the smoothest ride out there. They have much better chances than users employing branded or personal panels.

Here are the rites of passage that explain you exactly how to get a Knowledge Graph on Google.

Getting the Business Show on the Road

When it comes to business panels, the process is rather straightforward.

You first have to register a Google My Business account.

This is a free platform for scoring some nice local SEO points. It’s also a way of proving you’re a legitimate business worthy of your customer’s attention.

Hence, you absolutely have to add the most accurate and up-to-date information here. Focus on address details, contact number, photos, and opening hours. Notice Google also shows points such as CEO, date of founding, headquarters, and social profiles.

Along the similar lines, you can boost your chances with Google Local Listings. It’s a major highway for local SEO and a means of reaching consumers in your backyard. It’s an opportunity to spread awareness of your brand around and gain some word of mouth too.

Familiarizing yourself with how listings work is the first step on a journey. Well, the situation is pretty clear: all queries with local intent invoke this list.

Content of the query and proximity to the searcher dictates what comes up in results. They return map results, general background, phone number, and other location-based information.

Perks of Being Listed and Cited

Furthermore, to fully capitalize on a business panel, you can do a few more things.

Sift through your online platforms. Investigate whether all information is valid and consistent across the board. Pay special attention to NAP details, which stands for name, address, and phone number.

It should be clear to Google what online assets your own and what they state. Even minor differences can stir confusion on the part of the search engine. So, use the same standards and formats for all the information you put up online.

Remember you’re writing for the target audience, not just Google algorithms.

Lastly, to go an extra mile, initiate a citation campaign. The goal is to get as many local citations from other internet entities as possible. Ideally, they originate from local business directories, as well as reputable websites.

Think in terms of:

  • Yelp
  • Yellow Pages
  • Yahoo Local
  • FourSquare
  • Bing Places
  • Etc.

Online press releases might be worth your while. This is especially true for those that can propel you to the “In the News” section on Google. Let’s not forget they also double as reference material for your business.

The list of possible contributors to Graph goes on, so feel free to explore further on your own.

Structured Data and Schema Markup

Next off, you need to add structured data markup.

For those who don’t know, this type of markup describes your vital data according to some established mode. In other words, it turns data into material that can be easily “chewed” by machines.

Naturally, we want Google, in particular, to connect the dots between scattered bits and pieces of info. The good news as well is there’s no shortage of SEO plugins and tools for doing this. They integrate structured data in no time.

Similarly, schema markup is another tool to make the most of. It represents a standardized vocabulary inserted into your code, which tags your website’s basic moving parts. It stays out of the sight of visitors but can be viewed by bots.

Think of it as an additional stream of information you let Google work with.  You can also take advantage of it to depict products, events, paces, staff, etc.

Again, bear in mind you don’t have to waste time manually dealing with technicalities. There are many tools for automatically generating and implementing markup.

Make good use of them!

Branded and Personal Panels

If you want to go for branded and personal panels, you are in for a bit rougher ride.

The main issue is there’s no way to apply for them. If your brand possesses enough brand authority, you’ll make it there. Otherwise, your access will be denied.

You might be thinking already: “Wait, authority cannot be gained overnight”. While that is true, there are simple steps and techniques to ponder.

Brands that are well-known or have Wikipedia page tend to rank better. Social profiles on major networks aid the cause too, even more so when linked to your website. The same goes for Google’s own digital property, most notably Google Maps and Google+.

Concrete approaches vary depending on the target in question. To get a Wikipedia page, for instance, you need to do two things. You put together a list of citations and then share it with the writers’ community.

In general, the governing rules remain the same. Google sticks to acclaimed, trusted sources for extracting your information. You won’t do yourself any good trying to clear the way with obscure and shady sites.

Another thing search engine adores is great content. You Ramp up your production capacity and focus on quality instead of quantity. Try to make waves viral social media posts.

Google is sure to notice activities that generate buzz and engagement.

Time to Harness the Power of Google Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph is a compilation of key information, and it’s your digital Promised Land.

The search engine has a final say in what appears here, but it doesn’t act on a whim. Far from it— there are multiple things you can do to improve your prospects.

First of all, understand how Google gathers, interprets, and processes data. Realize it wants to gain a comprehensive picture of digital entities. Your task is to play it by the SEO book and appease internet powers that be.

While at it, assume control of your business information and manage where it gets featured. Have complete submissions in all of Google sites. Establish a foothold in social media and prominent websites.

These are all ways to make a strong case for yourself. You can set your brand apart from the competition and maximize exposure. This is bound to send an avalanche of clicks and visits to your pages.

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